Interview with David Carson

David Carson

Graphic style meets sports cars


David Carson is a prominent US-graphic designer and art director. His style is experimental and unconventional and he revolutionized the graphic szene in the US in the 90’s. His work is characterized by his chaotig typography and his unique style.

Carson consequently disregards all typographic and creative rules and works with a continually change of fontsize and font styles. Sometimes he just ends a sentence in between a word. In his opinion it is time to say goodbye to old design rules and break through to create a new perspective of design. With this style he shaped a whole design era. 

With SIGNal Design he put one of his graphics on a 3D object for the first time.


What is special when creating a car compared to creating a picture?

I‘ve been a fan of car design my whole life. One of my faves I‘ve owned was a ´73 Porsche 911. Still bummed I sold it. So to work with something 3D is amazing. How the different sections meet and work together, the different experiences of seeing it from different angles and sides. A whole new world compared to 2D.

Why did you like to work with Signal Design?

I met them years ago and it‘s been great to reconnect. They are open to so much experimentation and new ideas. This is so important for me with any collaboration. They‘ve been so supportive and great to work with.

What was special to you for the PANAMERA Project?

Being my first auto design makes it very special. And the opportunity to push myself, to keep growing as a designer.

How often do you visit Europe?

As often as I can. I visited over 15 cities in Europe the year before covid hit. I have a base in Amsterdam, and can‘t wait to be able to travel in Europe again, freely.

What’s the difference between European Art and US Art?

More freedom in European art, and living in general I think. More appreciation of the abstract and expermental new ideas. Secretly I think I am European. A fine artist friend I have in Barcelona swears I have much more a European than American sensbility in my art. I think he‘s right.


Read the german translation here.



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